BreakOut Ministerial Association
Licensing & Ordination is serious business and is vitaly important to effectively carry out ones spiritual calling and mission within society legally and ethically. The BreakOut Center has put this administration together to help ministers and those who feel called to ministry effectively fulfill their call in the simplest and safest way possible with the covering of a ministry that has been called and ordained by God, approved & recognized by man.
The BreakOut Ministerial Association is the ordaining & licencing administration of The BreakOut Center. As our ministry trains, ordains, and licences ministers nationwide, we oversee and keep track of the ministries and ministers affiliated with us.
If you feel called to ministry and to be considered for ordination through The BreakOut Center, you must fill out our licensing & ordination application on this page. Some applicants may be required to write an essay for ordination review.
Applicants who have never been ordained and have not attended ministry school before can submit an application to be admitted into our ordination program with the BreakOut School of Ministry consisting of a minimum of 2 years of Ministry School & One Year of Ministry Internship with approval. (Keep in mind that ordination is not guaranteed wtih the completion of programs, but is considered with prayer and recognition of the minister as we get to know them and their calling.)
If you have been ordained & covered by another organization and would like to consider our covering and transfer your ordination & licensing, you may apply for a Transfer of Ordination or Licensing form.
(see the forms on this page)