3 programs in BSM
for three years.
BSM 1 - 1st year
BSM 2 - 2nd Year
BSM 3 - Ministers Program
Is a revelatory Classroom designed to equip the gifts and work of the Lord for Ministry. Taught by Prophet Michael & The BreakOut Team, BSM is designed to prepare, equip, cover and raise up the the fivefold minister, teach Christian living, and train leaders for ministry. This is an online program that will meet you right where you are!
1.) Intro to Ministry
2.) Spiritual Leadership Principles
3.) The Spirit of Servanthood
4.) The Life of Faith
5.) The Life of Honor
6.) The Life of Prayer
7.) The Life of Worship
8.) The Church
9.) Kingdom Business 101
10.) Bible Study Devotions
11.) Mental Health 101
12.) Prosperity 101
13.) Kingdom Principles
14.) Spiritual Warfare
15.) Demonology 101
16.) Healing 101
17.) Revival 101
18.) Deliverance 101
19.) The Gifts & Callings of God
20.) Ministry Gifts
21.) Spiritual Gifts
22.) Preaching 101
23.) Teaching 101
24.) The Intercessor
25.) Pastoral Counseling
26.) Wedding Officiation
27.) Church Planting
28.) Independent Publishing
29.) Bible Doctrines
30.) Ministerial Ethics
31.) Ordination & Licensing
(all classes are subject to change with advancement and progress in the course)