In 2016 God Moved on My wife and I to launch a conference in Cleveland called "IGNITE Cleveland" with a ministry we named "Word on Fire Revival Ministries" at the time. The vision was to wake the sleeping church and prepare for revival and a move of God. Little did we know that 4 years later 2020 would accelerate that call and thrust the entire world into a new Era. We held the conference in June of 2016 and started a ministry launch with what we called "break out meetings" every other wednesday in the libraries in warrensville heights Ohio. We faced alot of warfare and tremendous oposition after the conferece and meetings started and the pressure forced a shut down of our efforts for two years. Over this time God kept the ministry on my heart, and the term "break out" haunted my spirit and never seemed to leave me. This word was not a ministry name, but was a term used to call our meetings that "broke out" of the revival Conference in 2016, Kind of like "break out rooms" ect. In 2018 while listening to a podcast at work the holy spirit visited me so powerfully I almost fell down at my desk and the lord said so clearly - that it was time to start "BreakOut"! he gave me the name from out of our previous launch and called it a move of God and a revival and Glory hub for the Kingdom! Imediately I called friends and partners to get togeather to start having "BreakOut" Meetings. After putting togeather a team, we had our first meeting on April 28th 2018 in the library, and continued having meetings in the libraries of Cleveland Heights and Shaker Heights Ohio - Soon after we began having Broadcasts and Podcasts online.
Below - Watch One of the FIrst break out Meetings Held in Warensville Heights Ohio in 2016 The ministry was called "Word on Fire Revival Ministries" at the time before we shut down for two years. After the Shut down the lord "Said to me that it was not over" but to pick ourselves back up and begin again to continue the "BreakOut Move of God"
Bless our team today and all of those who have faithfully supported and contributed to the BreakOut Center!! So much more to Come!
Friends, Partners and Member of BreakOut
Please stay updated, we will be celebrating in a special way this month - All will be invited
*Prophet Michael David Watson
& The BreakOut Center