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Writer's pictureMoneecia Moe Jo

Did your Daddy make u the black sheep

Updated: May 2, 2023

Hello Breakout Family

Those who have been reading the blog about Transitions I am not done with that series. The next one will be about admitting when your wrong accepting the fact that you do have an issue with a person place or a thing.

Anyhow let me share some backdrop or some of you may prefer the word TEA 👀😂. Currently I have an educator who is a RABBI. He brought a gang of books for us to read about systems. In class I said Lord lately you have been showing me things about demonic systems. I said okay God so you really want me to study systems. I was excited and annoyed looking at all the books that were on the table. Any that same day Prophet Micheal mentions systems at Bible study 😱👀😳 lol well Lord I see you telling your daughter again 3xs in one day. (God speaks all day you have to be open to seeing, hearing, sencing what he is saying ) #nugget

Okay now let's get to the ☕🫖! Are you thirsty enough to see revelation in this?! Well sip on this, let me know if this brought insight about family systems

“Next Jesse summoned Shimea, but Samuel said, “Neither is this the one the Lord has chosen.” In the same way, all seven of Jesse’s sons were presented to Samuel. But Samuel said to Jesse, “The Lord has not chosen any of these.” Then Samuel asked, “Are these all the sons you have?” “There is still the youngest,” Jesse replied. “But he’s out in the fields watching the sheep and goats.” “Send for him at once,” Samuel said. “We will not sit down to eat until he arrives.”

‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭16‬:‭9‬-‭11‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The father and the siblings turned their back on David.

The father and his offspring DENIED /failed to mention David who was still a part of the family.

Where was the Father's Integrity?

Where was the sibling's Character?

-Familiarity with the 7 siblings caused the Daddy to miss the anointing/talent/skills/ of the other child

They all followed their father's footsteps,

IGNORING / Not Standing for what was right by not speaking up, DELIBERATELY turning their back on David, acting as if he was not a part of the family.

The Father didn’t think David was ready, so 7 of his children took on his behavior and mindset which was not right. Dad felt David need to still be serving and working in the same position he had been doing.

- [ sometimes we don’t grow because we have been in the same place, position, ministry department, ] try something else, add to your resume, and expand your skill set! You put yourself in a box when u too comfortable in that position. You should be training your replacements as soon as you learn your position. (Train a few people not just 1 person, life happens, and this avoids burn out )

They took on an UNHEALTHY SYSTEM, they learned behavior that is not conducive for the whole body as a family.

Stand up for what it right

Stand up and speak for Christ

Sometimes our parents teach us wrong

Just cause mama and daddy said it or did it - don’t make it right

We all miss things, and we all have ways that need to change. Sometimes we need to be willing to unlearn behaviors/attitudes/perspectives. Sometimes we choose not to do or say things because we wanna make our parents proud, we have mama/ daddy issues so we people please versus being worried about how God would judge our behavior.


# Now talk about that

# have a discussion

# family systems

# Do not idolize a system 👀

# my next blog series 🔥

Moneecia Johnson is a Minister & Ordained Chaplain in Cleveland Ohio. An avid writer, first aid certified mental health advocate, teacher, student, Intercessor, counselor and leader Moneecia is a Prophetic & Apostolic Voice faithfully supporting ministries regionally and internationally online including that of her own!

To Connect with Moneecia

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May 27, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Opening up for everyone to see one's truth is not for the faint of heart. Life struggles for all is necessary as we see in your blogs Prophet Moneecia. I'm a believer when God brings us out of darkness and into light, all sees. God intends just that, not only for us, but for others as well. We read Scripture "iron sharpens iron." One's trials and tribulations are put on stage for others to grow and learn. I applaud.

Moneecia Moe Jo
Moneecia Moe Jo
Jun 02, 2023
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Thanks for sharing your thought it’s appreciated


Marilyn JarrettDavis
Apr 11, 2023

Love this!! This is soo good. Thanks for sharing your gifts with us!

Moneecia Moe Jo
Moneecia Moe Jo
Jun 02, 2023
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Thanks for sharing and taking the time to read. You are appreciated woman of God ! Blessings

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