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Writer's pictureMoneecia Moe Jo

Prepare mind for action

Updated: May 8, 2023

Day 1

Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, and fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:13


First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this Blog. I appreciate each one of you, so let's get down to business. God placed it on my heart to talk about transition. Hmm, why because I myself have had so many transitions happening in my life. However, since January things and people have been moving. I mean like there has been a shaking in my life, when I say in my life I mean in all areas. These are the areas that I am experiencing transitions: finances, employment/career, spiritual, relationships, physical, and emotional.

Whew, lol right that is a lot. Well for me it is, I feel overwhelmed.

Transition means experiencing a change in a situation or condition. What changes are you currently going through? Aye, do I still have your attention? Ha, of course, I do. Please pull out a pen and some paper. Let’s Go! Let us do some reflecting. Write these questions out so that you can reflect on the changes.

What changes are you currently dealing with? Here is a list of categories:

Relationships- Family, friends, co-workers, peers, ministry, marriage, and singleness.

Education- starting from scratch, filling out paperwork, fear of the unknown, the thought of going after a degree or certification, the fear of the task looking so unattainable.

Career- co-workers, supervisors, entrepreneurship, starting a new career, stepping out on faith

Mentally- renewing my mind, changing negative thoughts into positive thoughts, changing perspectives, realizing that I need counseling, and noticing I could use help in some areas of my life.

Emotionally- recognize that I have issues such as anger, bitterness, processing my emotions, trusting others, low self-esteem, and lack of forgiveness.

Behaviors- (things I need to change) shopping, cursing, smoking, having sex out of marriage, gambling, pornography, drinking, gossiping, power thrusting, controlling, manipulation, judgmental.

Okay breathe, you do not have to write everything down in each area if you feel overwhelmed. Start in one area or subject at a time.

Choose one category, then right the thing or person,

Next, write the emotion (sadness, anger, frustration, Happy),

Then, write (the reason why you feel about the situation/person/thing).

Lastly, write a behavior, thought, or activity {Positive thought, Positive behavior, or choose a positive feeling you can reflect on versus the negative or the situation}

Example: I chose the behavior of cursing people out, my emotions such as anger or frustration cause me to curse that person out. I felt frustrated because (the man) made me feel as if I did not matter. He said something to make me feel rejected. I choose to not respond to the man, I chose to say I am sorry you feel this way. Then I tell myself I am loved, I am chosen, and I am the apple of my Father’s eye. { I speak what God's word says about me} I may have to take around the building to help me not respond in a way that is not pleasing to God. {I chose to not respond and I chose to take a walk/exercise}.

Let me get free at one point in my life I struggled with drinking alcohol. My drinking became out of control when my favorite man died, my Grandfather James Mobley. He was one person I could share my feelings and things that I would do. He never judged me he just listened. He was a man of his word to me. He kept his promises and if he could not he communicated why he could not. Then when he was able to complete the promise he did.

Anyway, my drinking was affecting things in my life. I mean I eventually started drinking at work, attending church with liquor coming out of my pores, and serving in ministry not considering who I could be harming (those that could discern or possibly those who admired me). Anyway, after my mentor told me I had a drinking problem. Of course, I did not agree.

However, there were a few more people who loved me enough to tell me I had a problem as well. She told me I needed to attend AA meetings. Lol, I was like no the heck I don't! Eventually, I listened I attended 2 different meetings at 2 different locations. Unfortunately, I did not start or finish the program due to my pride. One of the men challenged me he told me I was weak-minded. I said, yo who do you think you talking to? He said anyone who needs to use any (thing) to cope with their feelings is a weak-minded person.

I began to think about what the man said. I was hot about what he said. However, I had to prove that I am never weak-minded. Yet, I discovered when I was feeling some type of way I wanted a drink. I saw there was truth to what he shared. I reflected, was honest with myself, and realized that I do go to things, people, and places when I am feeling some way. A TRANSITION in my mind had happened. I kept telling myself that I do not need alcohol and I could stop drinking. I was meditating on the thought that I can quit. As a result, I decided that I was not weak-minded and I will not go to alcohol anymore. Now it was a process and it did not happen overnight. Understand my friends I am just sharing my story and one of my struggles. We all have struggles, no one is exempt including me. I decided to not allow alcohol to have space in my life.

However, my best friend and I decided to do a fast asking God to help us not drink anymore. We started with 2 days out of the week. Then we added a third day of fasting, we did this for 6 months. I had to get an accountability partner to assist. I know that God and fasting helped me break the behavior, it was a difficult transition. Drinking was something I enjoyed. Guess what!? I thank God I have not had a drink, it has been 10 years now I believe. All Glory to God!

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