OFFICIAL ARTS MINISTRY RE-LAUNCH! "We are blessed to announce that we have officially RE-LAUNCHED our Now Expanded Prophetic Arts Program!"
Since the pandemic shutdown on events our Painting Workshops and Prophetic Arts events took a complete halt and has been standing still for almost three years...
We have had so many requests and bookings on hold as many have requested and inquired about our workshops - we have had to turn many away. Soak n' Paint was such a powerful and creative workshop that the lord himself gave us and was actually the first strong arm of our ministry that paved the way for our Church.
I am so blessed to announce that we will be officially RE-LAUNCHING our Now Expanded Prophetic Arts Program this year as of today with new events, workshops, and an entire new team of artists as well! With new expanded facilities, new seating capacity of 100 student - we look forward to our largest classes yet!